The 30-Day Meditation Challenge

to boost your energy levels and to live a vibrant life

Join us on a transformative journey through meditation,

a 30-day Meditation Challenge
From Monday February 24th - Monday March 16th

FOCUS of the Challenge:

Boost your Energy and Vibrancy


Why participate in this challenge:

  1. If you like to increase the energy level and live a more vibrant life
  2. To get more out of your meditation practice
  3. To increase your ability to have a regular meditation practice in your life
  4. To make breakthroughs in various areas of your life
  5. Receive personal help and guidance with your challenges and questions
  6. Being closely connected to fellow meditators

This challenge will provide you with opportunities to focus in on specific areas of your life that will directly result into more energy available to you and thus be able to live a more vibrant life.

Your commitment:

  • meditate 20 minutes in the morning
  • meditate 10 minutes in the evening
  • once a week do a 1-hour meditation

Our commitment:

  • Each morning at 7am we will live stream a 20-minute guided meditation , (mon-fri). You can join the meditation live or listen to it the next day fitting your morning schedule.
  • The live streamed Monday evening meditations, at 7:30pm, will be part of the challenge as well, and can be accessed any day during the program.
  • We will go on a journey with you, covering many areas that are directly related to living a vibrant life and have the energy you need to live your life to the fullest..
  • Once a week you will be invited to a conference call where you can connect with everyone else on the journey and share your experiences, challenges and successes in your meditations. We welcome your questions re. meditation and your personal transformation.
  • If you cannot be on the call, you can write your questions or challenges to us and we will address them on the call. The recording of this call will be available for 1 week to everyone participating in the challenge.

You do not need to join the meditations live!

The meditations are recorded and are available straight away so you can do the meditations whenever fits your life style.

All the meditations of the challenge will be available to you for 2 more months after the challenge, so 3 months in total you have excess to all the meditations.

Fee: 49Euro's , if you are a member of the meditation library you will receive a 10Euro discount

If you are ready to join, please send us an email.

If you like to pay by bank transfer, I will send the bank details to you or if you like to pay with PayPal please click the button below. If you have any more questions, please email us.

We look forward to meditate with you in this challenge and to support you in your meditation growth, breakthroughs and increased vibrancy!

With great passion and enthusiasm,

Ian & Rose

30-day Meditation Challenge

Or send us an email with a request for our bank account number for a bank transfer!